Recent translation jobs

I have been doing mostly translation jobs lately.

Last month, I did quite a long one, it's a company training manual, the content is not too difficult, because it's straightforward, but it's the turnaround time, I quoted 7 days for about 7000 words. It's not too easy because I had to finish it among other jobs on hand. Anyway, it's finally done and I handed in everything on time. :)

By the way, I just received a reader's email asking me about freelance interpretation jobs and charges for beginners in this industry. I am usually not a good quoter for jobs, but it seems to be quite a difficult for new comers, so I have decided that I will put up a post later regarding these issues to try to solve some of the puzzles new comers/graduates might encounter.

So stay tune! I promise it won't take too long this time. :)

Email HK Interpreter - Louise

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